Robin is dedicated to helping you pass your research challenges in finding resources to identify your ancestors.
I loved helping others while volunteering at FamilySearch, and I am excited to help anyone who needs assistance.
I will assist you in answering research questions for no charge, however, I have services that we are developing that will help you learn more. Stay tuned.

Robin Foster
Research Assistance
Genealogy Just Ask, LLC is a free genealogy research assistance service. We will help you identify resources to document your ancestors free of charge (via e-mail, Facebook, Skype, etc.) however, if you want us to obtain records that are not freely accessible to us, we must charge a fee for the cost of obtaining the record and providing copies for you. Please note that even though research assistance is free, our service is more than comparable to the best offered. We could very well charge a handsome fee for research assistance that we provide, however, we choose not to because of the love we have for helping others and because of the speed we can do it due to our degree of experience.
Paid Research
Even though we encourage everyone to experience the thrill of the “hunt” for themselves, we are available for hire and will research for you for a fee of $30.00 per hour. This means if you do not want to do the digging or access the records yourself, we can help.
Online Teaching
We are committed to teaching groups of people or one person at a time. Our teaching involves a great deal of preparation and tools that cost us money. The classes are given formally in an online classroom where you pre-register. For those reasons, we must charge for online instruction be it in a group or one-on-one. So please be advised that when online classes or instruction is offered, we will also be upfront with how much the cost will be. This is different from help given by e-mail, on a social media site like Facebook, or in a blog (that assistance is free).
Look for upcoming e-books that will focus on research techniques and tips to help you find more success. Some will be offered for free, and some will require you to pay to access.
My expertise
Robin has a total of research and teaching experience of 33 years. She served a family history mission 10 years for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints where she was trained in the rudiments of using FamilySearch Products and research.
She was taught the principles of giving Fast, Accurate, and Timely assistance. Also, she used the principles of asking clarifying questions, finding the answer, and teaching the patron the steps to finding the answer. She became a team leader responsible for teaching team members how to assist patrons using the above principles. She also developed presentations and training materials for her teams.
Robin started out in product support helping patrons via phone and e-mail, and quickly became a missionary leader where she helped mentor and train other missionaries. She moved to Community Support where she helped with Get Satisfaction, FamilySearch Forums, and she eventually met Jan.
She helped to create and promote the FamilySearch Genealogy Research Communities on Facebook, and she helped to manage the communities and the admins assigned to each community. This experience is obvious in her embrace of social media today. Genealogy! Just Ask! is on every major network. Robin also served in research, and as a team lead on the FamilySearch Wiki.
Robin is expert researcher and have a working knowledge of current technologies used for genealogy research and training.
She is very active in the community through social media and in their individual communities offline. While some may wonder at the notion free research assistance, hopefully, you will agree that the expertise of Robin is a valuable service and that cost is inconceivable. Some wonderful things in life are still free.
She was the director of the Greenwood South Carolina Family History Center and chairperson of the Fairview Cemetery Project.
About Me