Reflections on "My Best Genealogy Tips: It's Time to Start!"
"My Best Genealogy Tips: It's Time to Start!" was first introduced when it came out at Benjamin Book Publishing, LLC.

How I Use FamilySearch.org to Search Ancestry.com
I'm going to share with you how I use FamilySearch.org to search Ancestry.com. You might be wondering why I would do that, since both websit

The Most Important Feature in FamilySearch is the Sources
I would not have achieved as much as I have if it were not for FamilySearch and its ability to gather the sources in one place.

FamilySearch Research Wiki! Gotta Love it!
What I learned today! Over and over I re-learn the value of FamilySearch Research Wiki. How do you locate this great site? From the home...

Cutting to the Chase in the Catalog
This PowerPoint created and shared by Jan shows you how to access Pike County, Illinois marriage record images through thr FamilySearch...

No Microfilm Wait for Kentucky Marriages
Until recently, you had to order microfilm to see images of historical records that are not online but available on microfilm. Many of...

New Obituary Collections Coming to FamilySearch.org
As I was searching the new and improved FamilySearch Wiki (a powerful research tool) this evening, I discovered something exciting that I...