Reflections on "My Best Genealogy Tips: It's Time to Start!"
"My Best Genealogy Tips: It's Time to Start!" was first introduced when it came out at Benjamin Book Publishing, LLC.

How I Use FamilySearch.org to Search Ancestry.com
I'm going to share with you how I use FamilySearch.org to search Ancestry.com. You might be wondering why I would do that, since both websit

Saving Sources from Ancestry.com on FamilySearch.org Can Be Beneficial
I found this at Ancestry.com while using the feature at FamilySearch.org. This is George Epps Tucker's (1859-1927) will in Richland...

The Most Important Feature in FamilySearch is the Sources
I would not have achieved as much as I have if it were not for FamilySearch and its ability to gather the sources in one place.

Genealogy Trip to East Feliciana Parish, Louisiana
East Feliciana Parish Courthouse in Clinton, Louisiana Not every courthouse holds the marriage, probate, or land records, etc. Such is...

The Myth of Ellis Island, Conclusion, or, at least, My Current Thinking
Here I come to find that I have a way to go in the use of the GPS. I began this series of blog posts with the (unrealistic) hope that I...

The Myth of Ellis Island, Part 4
Genealogy Proof Standard Study Group Homework Chapter Three — Evaluating Records Reference: Christine Rose, Genealogical Proof Standard:...

The Myth of Ellis Island, Part 3
Genealogy Proof Standard Study Group Homework Chapter Two—Building a Solid Case Reference: Christine Rose, Genealogical Proof Standard:...

Post Two: What I Learned Today
Find a Family History Center I had the opportunity to substitute today at our local Family History Center. Are you using your center? To...

Genealogy Resources That May Tell Your Ancestor's Birth
By, Robin Foster Civil registrations for births is only one way you may discover the date or place of birth of your ancestor. You will...