The Most Important Feature in FamilySearch is the Sources
I would not have achieved as much as I have if it were not for FamilySearch and its ability to gather the sources in one place.

The Power of Connecting to Researchers in Your Ancestor's Area
If you have never lived near the place where your ancestor lived, it is a great idea to make friends with researchers who know the area. The

Think Outside of the Box!
What I learned today. Today while researching a post on one of the Genealogy! Just Ask pages, I was reminded of how important it is to...

Post Two: What I Learned Today
Find a Family History Center I had the opportunity to substitute today at our local Family History Center. Are you using your center? To...

Post One: What I Learned Today
A couple of years ago a friend, (Doris Warner) and I wrote a few articles on what we learned each day about genealogy/family history. We...

Skin Tone Means Research Skill?
By Robin Foster I just had another great chat with my friend and Co-Admin, Jan Mitchell. We always come up with some really profound...

Looking for Descendant of Anna Szczpanski
Unfortunately, a descendant of Anna Szczpanski contacted us on January 29 for research assistance. She entered the wrong e-mail which we...

Facebook Groups: Genealogy on Steriods!
By Robin Foster Are you a member of a Facebook group that is extremely active? Well, congratulations! Those of us who are rabid about...

Getting an Answer to Your Genealogy Research Question
By Robin Foster Many places like Genealogy! Just Ask! can help you get answers to your genealogy research questions. This does not work...

Free to Be!
By Jan Edwards and Robin Foster Robin: “It does not take much for Jan to get me excited about something, but today her post made me...