You Ancestor Did Not Just Disappear
Sometimes after you have searched and searched for an ancestor, it might seem like to you that they just disappeared when you cannot find...

Unexpected Genealogy Records: Guardianship
By Robin Foster Guardianship records are one of the unexpected but not so uncommon records that you may discover while searching probate...

Gleaning a Document
By Jan Edwards Just what does that mean? To glean means to extract information from various sources. It means to obtain, get, take, draw,...

Laws and Provisions Can Lead to Genealogical Records
By Robin Foster Recently, I went to the Greenwood County, SC Probate Office where I noticed a big red book left out that had not been put...

Family History at a Yard Sale?
By Jan Edwards Last summer I was driving my Mom and Dad to yard sales! They love to yard sale. We had been out for a couple of hours....

Getting an Answer to Your Genealogy Research Question
By Robin Foster Many places like Genealogy! Just Ask! can help you get answers to your genealogy research questions. This does not work...

Have You Been Through the Genealogy Portal?
By Jan Edwards Why do I need to go to a Family History Center Library when I have the interenet at home! Did you know that these...

Free to Be!
By Jan Edwards and Robin Foster Robin: “It does not take much for Jan to get me excited about something, but today her post made me...

The Pros and Cons of Hiring a Professional Genealogist
By Jan Edwards “Gosh, I have searched high and low; I have looked far and wide, and I just can’t find it! I’ve been looking for 40...

What to do If Nothing FITS, WORKS, or JIVES!
By Jan Edwards Are you a puzzle worker? You know the kind made out of cardboard cut into a zillion little pieces and you spend hours and...