What is a Brick Wall?
By Jan Edwards Definition of a brick wall: If you hit a brick wall or come up against a brick wall, you are unable to or make progress...

Why Start Over?
By Jan Edwards When most of us began doing family history times were way different. We did not have access to online anything. Online...

I Love a True Story, Real Photos, and Trees with Sources
By Jan Edwards I love a story that is true, a photo if it’s really them and a tree that has sources and great documentation. I’m going to...

What Can the Living Tell you?
By Jan Edwards When I first began Family History it was in March of 1994. For many when they say they have been doing family history for...

As the Story Goes, Nobody Knows!
By Jan Edwards Many times as a researcher and someone that helps others we hear a very common phrase, “well the story goes”, “I was told...

You Ancestor Did Not Just Disappear
Sometimes after you have searched and searched for an ancestor, it might seem like to you that they just disappeared when you cannot find...

Gleaning a Document
By Jan Edwards Just what does that mean? To glean means to extract information from various sources. It means to obtain, get, take, draw,...

Family History at a Yard Sale?
By Jan Edwards Last summer I was driving my Mom and Dad to yard sales! They love to yard sale. We had been out for a couple of hours....

Have You Been Through the Genealogy Portal?
By Jan Edwards Why do I need to go to a Family History Center Library when I have the interenet at home! Did you know that these...

Free to Be!
By Jan Edwards and Robin Foster Robin: “It does not take much for Jan to get me excited about something, but today her post made me...