The Pros and Cons of Hiring a Professional Genealogist
By Jan Edwards “Gosh, I have searched high and low; I have looked far and wide, and I just can’t find it! I’ve been looking for 40...

What to do If Nothing FITS, WORKS, or JIVES!
By Jan Edwards Are you a puzzle worker? You know the kind made out of cardboard cut into a zillion little pieces and you spend hours and...

To Blog or Not to Blog, That is the Question!
By Jan Edwards When Robin first talked to me about blogging, I wondered why in the heck she would want us to do that! I wondered if it...

Browsing Images at FamilySearch Made Easier
By Jan Edwards FamilySearch Records: https://familysearch.org/search Did you realize when searching collections on FamilySearch if it...

Why You May Be Missing Your Ancestor on the Census at Ancestry.com
By Jan Edwards When you search the census at Ancestry.com, you could miss finding your ancestor. The person you are looking for could...

What Does the Camera Mean on FamilySearch Historical Record Collections?
By Jan Edwards If a FamilySearch Historical Records Collection has a camera by the title, it means there are images. If this collection...

Key to Online Researching: Keep on Clicking!
By Jan Edwards Many collections we have access to have more than one image/page and many second images/pages are missed. Take the great...

Pick a Word to Begin Your Story
By Jan Edwards We love to find stories of our families we are researching. It is so exciting to find a good story. I found the WWI Draft...

Speed Limit 65
By Jan Edwards I was recently on a road trip, and in Oregon the speed limit on the Interstates is 65. I always drive the speed limit, get...

Why Me?
By Jan Edwards I’ve been working in the Family History Center for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints since March of 1994. It...