What Does the Camera Mean on FamilySearch Historical Record Collections?
By Jan Edwards

If a FamilySearch Historical Records Collection has a camera by the title, it means there are images. If this collection has a search window, it means it has or is being indexed. When you type the name you are researching into the search window and nothing comes up, make sure you check to see if the collection has been completely indexed.
For instance on the Historical Record Collection List (where you can browse all the FamilySearch Collections), the Alabama Estate Files, 1830-1976 has a camera so we know there are images. The total records are 25,297. That is really a small number in most cases. Click on the title, and scan down to the lower part of the page.

You will see it states in blue "browse through 2,197,466 images." That means it is in the process of being indexed. You can still search by clicking on the browse through images and search the collections as a browse image only collection.

Don’t miss out on locating your name by assuming the collection has been completely indexed! Most of the time when you click on “Learn more,” the blue link under the record description, you will be taken to the FamilySearch Wiki where you will be able to see which areas have not been completed yet and what percentage has been completed.
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