How My Husband, Ellis McClure, Helped Me Return

I will never forget how Ellis helped me with everything that I used to do all myself. Back when I first had the stroke in September 2016, Ellis and Adrianne took care of me. Ellis took me to the temple, and he made sure I had research.
At the time, we were staying in Phenix City, Alabama. It is close to Columbus, Georgia. My doctor had his office there. Columbus Public Library is the place where Ellis took me.

This library is amazing! The wood trimmings, furniture, genealogy, and local history were top notch. This is the Genealogy & Local History site. I did not expect to see all that they had there. As you can see in the photo above, I had found lots of resources.
I had perused several books:

One would think that I was totally void from doing anything after my stroke. Just think about a person's daily activities. Without Ellis, I could do none of them. Looking back at the photo, I had a wheelchair. I did not have glasses. I had use of only my left arm. I had to learn how to write with it.
I am telling you this because someone out there needs to remember this. Stay focused on what you need. Keep the matter in your prayers. I believe He will send it to you.
I know I was in Georgia, but I had Ellis get a book about Tuscaloosa County, Alabama. I do not have the source, but I will find it. This is what I captured from the book:

If you follow me, you will notice that I am researching Ellis' side. He had paternal grandparents that worked at Irondale, a coal mine. That is the same coal mine as mentioned above. It started making iron at the start of the Civil War. I need to go back to find more.
Tuscaloosa became county in 1818:

Remember all the iron and coal in Alabama at the start of the Civil War? This is how they transported it:

In closing, I am incredibly grateful to Ellis. I will spend forever letting him know how grateful I am.
These occurrences are common with me. If you want to know more about them, then read about how I found the formerly enslaved: My Best Genealogy Tips: Finding Formerly Enslaved Ancestors.